Ayahuasca Integration Counseling
Are you looking for help integrating a recent Ayahuasca retreat?
Integration is the process by which the experiences that occurred during ceremony translate into actual changes in your life. Integration counseling can help you to work through the lessons and insights from ceremony in a way that leads to lasting change, deep healing, and personal transformation. You will get a lot more out of a ceremony if you dedicate time and energy afterwards to work on integrating the experience.
Are you looking for help preparing for an Ayahuasca ceremony?
Preparation counseling can help you prepare mentally, emotionally and physically for ceremony and help you to get the most out of your experience with Ayahuasca medicine. The more you prepare ahead of time, the deeper you can go in ceremony and the more likely you are to have a smooth experience. Lack of preparation is one of the biggest factors in people having a challenging experience with Ayahuasca and other psychedelic plant medicines.
I am a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in helping people prepare for and integrate Ayahuasca plant medicine ceremonies for deep personal healing. I have been working both personally and professionally with Ayahuasca for the past 9 years, as a participant, a facilitator, a guide, a shamanic apprentice, and an integration therapist. In that time I have guided hundreds of people before, during, and after their journeys with Ayahuasca. I know the terrain well and can help you to get the most out of your ceremony or retreat.