Ayahuasca Integration

Integration counseling following an Ayahuasca ceremony can be immensely valuable in helping you to take the healing and insights you received in ceremony further and to ground and integrate them into the fabric of your life. Ceremonies open us up emotionally, mentally, energetically and physically. They create a very receptive and malleable state in which it is easier to make changes to long-standing patterns that really stick. There is a window of opportunity post-ceremony during which we are more capable of making big changes and translating the transformational shifts experienced during ceremony into tangible life changes. This critical window for integration work can last for several weeks and offers an incredible opportunity to use this newly expanded and open state to manifest true transformation in your life. People who don’t take proactive steps to make changes during this critical period often report later that the ceremony effects “faded away.”

The more you put into your integration,

the more you will get out of it. It’s as simple as that.

The more you take the messages and insights seriously, the more you work towards making changes in your life that are consistent with the meaningful insights you experienced, the more you will gain the benefits of the medicine. You are doing your part. If you choose to continue working with ayahuasca, it will respond to that and future ceremonies will take you further and deeper as opposed to retreading the same material.

Healing Trauma

Ayahuasca integration counseling is especially helpful if ayahuasca highlighted or showed you that there is more healing work for you to do. As a trauma-focused therapist, I have many tools to help with healing traumas that don’t feel resolved after ceremony. If you choose to continue working with ayahuasca, this kind of trauma healing work will help you go a lot deeper in your next ceremonies and get much more out of future ayahuasca experiences.

Some of the ways I help people integrate their ayahuasca ceremony include:

  • Helping make sense of the ceremony experiences and putting them into their proper place in your world

  • Translating the lessons and insights into new practices

  • Addressing unfinished business that may have arisen during ceremony but feels incomplete or unsettled

  • Healing work around traumas, emotional wounds, and other material that the medicine highlighted and that need more attention

  • Creating daily cleansing, balancing and grounding practices

  • Ways to continue working with the medicine when you are home

I offer an initial 20-minute phone consultation to new clients at no charge. To schedule a phone consultation or inquire about availability, please e-mail me at alex@transcendentcounsel.com or to schedule an initial session click on the button below.